These Days

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The Heat Index: Freddie Old Soul • Enter the Void

The Heat Index is These Days’ hip hop column, showcasing a new hot record we can’t stop playing.

Outside an opening performance for Mother Nature’s excellent show in December and a couple of features, Freddie Old Soul kept a relatively lowkey profile in 2021. However, from the looks of her newest video, “Enter the Void,” Freddie seems poised to make a significant splash in 2022.

To say she bars out in the song is an understatement, as she barely stops for breaths in between couplets that’ll make you want to rewind for a double-take. Captivating by toeing the line between irreverent lines and cold-hard facts, Freddie pulls off not needing a melodic hook to keep you tuned in. The video, directed by APJ Films, finds Freddie putting her superhero cape on to fly over Chicago and save us all from wack rappers. It’s a fitting visual allusion to her work behind the mic and a release that makes me excited to find out what else she has in store for the rest of the year.