These Days

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The Heat Index: AUSAR • poster CHILD (feat. Dende & Sam Williams & the Selah St. Sabina Youth Choir of Chicago)

The Heat Index is These Days’ hip hop column showcasing a new song we can’t stop playing.

AUSAR’s steadfast commitment to his convictions has rewarded him and his listeners. First, he’s managed to rap without profanity and somehow avoid sounding like a youth pastor or making it a gimmick. Secondly, while most have zigged towards exclusively dropping singles, he’s zagged and challenged himself to make a full-length album. In turn, the recently released I NOW KNOW is a strong contender for album of the year and garnering significant local attention.

This project stands out for its intentional and memorable approach, encompassing overarching themes, thoughtful sequencing, and complete records with earnest songwriting.

“poster CHILD” is an early favorite. Not only does it highlight AUSAR’s dexterity as a storyteller, but he uses Chicago’s connective tissue as a device to illustrate his career and personal development (that’s an easy way to win us over). Here, we hear the South Side emcee go from being schoolmates with Taylor Bennett in grade school, to auditioning in front of Chance The Rapper in college to finding himself amidst an exciting new movement in the city as a young adult.

The song is also an ode to the feeling of being on the precipice of a breakthrough moment —where your dream feels as real as ever, but still, some ways to go. “I can't wait for my time / to stand in the limelight,” Dende sings in the chorus, sounding warm and (cautiously) optimistic while Sam Williams & the Selah St. Sabina Youth Choir of Chicago also guest-appear during the song’s buoyant crescendo.