These Days

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Drop Pin • Brian Fresco

Part of the vaunted SaveMoney collective that has produced some of the city's brightest hip-hop talents, Brian Fresco is easily the group's hidden gem. A native of the Ida B. Wells housing projects, Fresco's verses come packed with conversational real-life experiences that come tightly wound and wide-ranging. His most recent project, SoulMoney, which was fully produced by MC Tree and which was released late last year, is an eclectic mix of two sides of his hometown's scene coming together succinctly. His follow-up, Casanova, is due any day now. We caught up with Fresco to find out his favorite spots around the city. Check out what he had to say in our latest edition of the weekly Drop Pin series.

Keep up with Brian:  Twitter // Instagram

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I like Sunda downtown because before trying this place I despised sushi. Now I love sushi [laughs]. I love eating the salmon crispy rice. It's like the perfect ice breaker for people trying out sushi.

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Umami Burger

Umami burger in Wicker Park is great as well. You can't change anything and I'm a pretty indecisive person so they help me out [laughs]. I love the Greenbird turkey burger. Might be the most amazing turkey burger I've ever eaten.

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Uncle Julio's

Uncle Julio's is probably my favorite because I mean who doesn't like expensive tacos and Patron 😂. At Julio's, please keep it simple and get a chicken taco for me. Please. Feel like I can eat 100 of those [laughs].