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Respect The Neighbors • Sirius Blvck

Age: 25 • Hometown: Indianapolis, IN • Follow: Twitter // Soundcloud

Indianapolis is a tough music scene. Despite being close neighbors to Chicago, Indy hardly ever receives attention outside of its own city; rarely does the Windy City host artists from the perpetually underground Naptown scene.

Plenty of artists thrive and gain exposure within Indianapolis, but most names are unknown outside of the Hoosier confines. It’s a shame because the 11th largest city in the country is home to dozens of strong talents.

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Rapper Oreo Jones is well respected throughout the city, but has never managed to gain the proper nationwide exposure that he deserves. No joke, he even has his own cooking show on a public access channel. Other than doing one song with ShowYouSuck, he’s been 100% Indianapolis.

A newer name gathering attention in Indy recently is rapper Sirius Blvck. Last year, the 20-something talent released three albums (pitched as a trilogy) fully produced by UK (by way of LA) artist Bones of Ghosts. Together (without ever meeting), the two pulled off a three-piece of strong storytelling interlaced with atmospheric instrumentals. The most recent, Light in the Attic, came out at the end of 2014 and is still in rotation as visuals from the album continue to drop.

Since finalizing the trilogy with Bones of Ghosts, Sirius Blvck began working with Indy beatsmith KNag$. The two released a summertime album called Chedda Biscuits  and it sounds like if Future lost his voice and was angry about it. Given Blvck’s portfolio of working with producers Bones of Ghosts and KNag$, it’s obvious that he enjoys working exclusively with one producer at a time. His albums are evidence of the projected cohesion that he desires (and obtains). Blvck’s voice is a mix between a loud whisper and a cocky shrug, oftentimes telling his audience his dreams while throwing up a middle finger at the same time.

Because Indianapolis (and hopefully beyond) is still bouncing around to this Midwestern artist's most recent album, no updates on upcoming releases have been announced, but plenty of music videos are sure to be on the way (he’s released five this year already) as well as more music. We are more than happy to pay respect to our neighbor Sirius Blvck.