These Days

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Drop Pin • Evan Brown

Thanks to the documenters and storytellers of the world, we continue to see how Chicago’s music, art and overall cultural scene keeps raising the bar. It isn’t hard to find inspiration or necessity to capture moments in Chicago when this sort of energy and community surrounds you everyday. Hailing from Springfield, IL, Evan Brown has made a big impression telling the story of his community through photo and video. Whether rolling around with Saba & Pivot Gang or directing media at Ear2Ground, Evan Brown takes you from the stage to the studio and everywhere in between. The result brings your closer to the artists you love. He gets the candid, natural and intimate perspective on his subjects that you don’t often find. We asked Evan’s opinions on some of his favorite spots in Chicago which you can find below.

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Photo by sirbruceleroy

Red Hot Ranch:(Specifically the joint off Western & Armitage)

This the best cheeseburger in Chicago, don’t @ me. My roommate is a chef and stays putting me on low key spots around the city. You know a spot is fire when there’s only like 5 things on the menu.

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Nini’s Deli 

Nowhere in the city do I feel as welcomed as I do when I go to Nini’s. Juan, Huey and the gang there are the best and they’ve created a super unique and refreshing experience that is rivaled only by how damn good the food/drinks are there. Also, Nini’s fits.

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Humboldt Park

Humboldt Park is one of the most beautiful spots in the city. It has tons of space, solid basketball courts, food trucks, gardens, sculptures, a cafe, and tons more. I spend a lot of time there.

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