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ChiBrations • Astro Samurai

UPDATE: Returning for part two of their ChiBrations performance, Chicago's Astro Samurai gives us an exclusive look at one of their new(er) songs "Banshee." The song has been performed by the band for a while now, but has yet to be officially released. With their debut EP just over two years old, the five piece band is currently working on their first full length album! Details are slim regarding the album, but I think it's safe to expect "Banshee" on the final product. 

Time and time again the ChiBrations crew introduces us and our readers to local talent that is bubbling just below the surface, and of course they do it once again for the month of July. Fresh off a live performance at Wicker Park's Emporium, five piece band Astro Samurai dives into Soap Box Studios for an exclusive performance.

The group consisting of Thair (Vocals), Hayden Ashley (Keys), Ben Dillinger (Bass), Reuben Garza (Drums) and Aaron Day (Guitar) have been making music together since late 2015, blending soulful and psychedelic vibes, then spreading them around the city at one of many live performances. Astro Samurai's recorded catalog is minimal with their only release and self titled debut hitting the internet shortly after the band's inception, but they've managed to stay active as a group.

If you're just getting to know Astro Samurai and their 4 track EP isn't enough to curb your curious interest, ChiBrations has your back and gets them in the studio to perform Frank Ocean's "Chanel" for part one of their July feature. Listen to a familiar song and get familiar with Astro Samurai.

See this gallery in the original post