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News RoundUp • Protesters Continue To Speak Out, Common To Remake Cooley High & More

Photo by Michael Salisbury

Everyday of every week, the TheseDays team is here to help you keep track of the latest happenings not only in the world of music, but in the world you see everyday as well. With that in mind, we often take a gander through the happenings in and around the city and pick a few to throw into occasional round ups, like this one. Check in again with some new stories on the continuing protests in the city, Common's continued foray into film and Dreezy's conversation with Ebro, plus more below. 

Protesters Arrested Demanding Policing Alternatives

It's been a heartening few weeks in America to say the least. Amidst a year that has seen numerous killing of black people at the hands of white police officers, everyone with a palpable conscious could feel the pain of the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile who passed away in Louisiana and Minnesota respectively. While rogue gunmen in Dallas and Baton Rouge responded with even more mayhem, peaceful protesters here in Chicago continued to take the streets to continue to underline their firm message, one that resulted in the arrest of Kush Thompson, one of the recognizable faces of the movement.

This week, protesters chained themselves to the police station in the North Lawndale neighborhood, demanding that state-appropriated funding be earmarked for alternatives to traditional policing. Organized by the 'Let Us Breathe Collective', the protest began in front of the home of CPD officer Dante Servin who was exonerated in his killing of Rekia Boyd before marching and subsequently chaining themselves outside the Homan Square facility that has been a centerpiece of a long-standing Guardian investigative piece. 

Talking to the Chicago Tribune, organizer Kristiana Rae Colon said:

"We believe that strong communities do not need police and police do not keep us safe. Almost 40 percent of Chicago's budget goes to CPD right now, while we claim we're too broke to fund our schools or pay for mental health services. There is a myth that Chicago is broke. Chicago is investing in what it deems necessary, which is different from what the people deem as necessary. Violence in black lives comes in the form of police abuse sometimes," she said. "But state violence is also closing schools, closing mental health facilities, funding housing inequities."

Common to Produce 'Cooley High' Remake

Fresh off another stint in the latest Barbershop movie, it appears Chicago's own Common will continue his flirtation with the silver screen as it was announced this week that the south side native will produce a remake of the 1975 classic, "Cooley High".

The remake will be handled by Common, DeVon Franklin and Tony Krantz and make a play on the classic film, which bears extra weight with the context of where the city has gone since. Common is a welcome choice, having grown up in the city and lived the experiences that should prove to dictate the film. Shooting begins early next year.


Dreezy Appears on Ebro in the Morning

There was a time not too long ago when it was crazy to think of Chicago artists regularly appearing on nationally-syndicated radio and TV shows, but alas here we are. The spotlight has become somewhat familiar here lately and one of those catching it's rays the most has been Dreezy, who recently debuted her latest project, No Hard Feelings earlier this week and doubled down on the press run out east by stopping by to speak with Ebro In The Morning. 

Lil Durk Covers RESPECT Mag Amid Busy Summer

Lil Durk very well may stand as the most successful and realized artist of the Drill generation and if ever there was a time to point to his ascension, 2016 might certainly be it. While the city finds love over and over again with a slew of soul-searching talents, Durk has kept pace with his trap-inspired tales of frenetic deals and movement while keeping things relatable enough to serve it up to the most passing of hip-hop fan. For that reason, he's seemed to break through to the big-time, covering Respect Magazine this week around the long-awaited release of his Durk 2X project which hit the streets ahead of the weekend's start. For a while we weren't sure how that whole side of things was going to shake out, but it appears Durk knew all along. Check out the full story here.

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