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Nini’s Deli Highlights Young Chicago Creatives with Noble Street Swap Meet

Just last month we caught up with our friend Juan-Elias Riesco, founder of Nini's Deli and Chicago Native, about his goals to inspire his community's creativity. Wasting no time, he recently shared with us his plans to host the first ever Noble Street Swap Meet. Taking place this Sunday at Nini's Deli, which has served as a hub for the many of city's creatives over the last few years, the event will give the opportunity to a group of Chicagoans, all in their early twenties, to show off their respective clothing brands. Amongst those highlighted are Giovanni Fiore Jr of Domme Kinderen, Jorge Gonzalez of Jus Create, Amin Elwan & Cristian Pacheco of Caravan Fabrics. To get a little more info about Noble Street Swap Meet we got Jauny on the line for a quick Q&A. Check that below & be sure to swing by 543 N. Noble St. this Sunday to support.

What details can you give us about Noble Street Swap Meet?

It's a one day pop-up shop at Nini’s Deli Sunday, October 29 from 1-5pm. It's aim is to showcase young creatives operating in Chicago, giving them a space to sell their work and an avenue to create and foster lasting relationships in the industry. Where most shops and galleries are hyper-exclusionary in who they choose to support, the critical aim of the Swap Meet is to be as open and inclusive as possible to all who wish to participate.

Why did you pick the featured artists that you chose?

The three artists that I picked are all folks I've met via Nini's. In one way shape or form they have supported and loved Nini's and this is my way of loving those who have loved me. Each individual artist displays a different set of unique talents and abilities that I think Chicago needs to see.

Is Noble Street Market going to be something we can expect to see more installments of in the future?

I'm looking to do NSSM quarterly, if my schedule permits. Hopefully I can get some folks dedicated to helping young creatives in Chicago to take on some of the work load with me. My wife is playing a huge role in the event, this is truly our thing we're doing together. However as she prepares for her masters degree who knows what free time she's gonna have within the next couple months.

See this gallery in the original post