These Days

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Brian Fresco • "Scarface"

Directed by David Alexander

Save Money's own Brian Fresco is gearing up for a busy season with the release of both Casanova and Post Drill in the near future. Before the big roll out though, Fresco gets in touch with his inner Tony Montana for the trapper's anthem, "Scarface". With brutal honesty, Fresco takes listeners to the streets both in the song and accompanying video. Double cup in hand, Fresco and crew make a rainy night in Chicago the backdrop of their David Alexander directed visuals. Like Tony, Brian Fresco is rising in the ranks quickly, and at this rate he might even be poised to kill Sosa by the summer (Alejandro Sosa, not Keef). Fresco's consistent drops and noticeable growth as an artist and performer over the past several years are a promising sign of good things to come. 

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