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Premiere • Anthony Pavel & SKYLR: "Christmas Song"

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It's 2015 and you can't get away with saying "Merry Christmas" to a stranger on the street. "Happy Holidays" is the preferred phrase, but that's not to say that Christmas should be forgotten or that Christmas songs aren't still massively successful.

With that in mind, it's great to see some of Chicago's own uniting for the holidays to spread some Christmas cheer (see also: holiday cheer). Male singer Anthony Pavel and female singer SKYLR came together for "The Christmas Song", a holiday classic that sounds like eggnog and laughter. Sitting by the fire, surrounded by nutcrackers, the two let loose their holiday (vocal) pipes, proving to the world that they can spread Christmas spirits with nothing more than a piano (played by Pavel) and their voices. 

Play this one for your grandma and prove to her that you don't only listen to that "damn rap music." Yeah, this is a really pleasant number. Santa's on his way. Happy Holidays to all. 

The Christmas song is in part connected to Pavel's upcoming charity event at Reggie's Rock Club tomorrow, where he will be performing alongside Sir the Baptist, Logan, Toni Romiti, Duke Da Beast, Brian Fresco, Jayaire Woods, and more. The third annual event is called Give Back Chicago and includes a food and toy drive. Slide through for $10 and bring a gift. You might just hear this song.

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