These Days

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A Billion Young & Friends • "Undress 4 Me"

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Earlier this year, we ran a Single Slideshow on the group A Billion Young. The production duo scattered a trio of gems throughout the summer as they continued to find their sound and hone in on their craft.

Yesterday, to satisfy the visions of sugarplums dancing in everyone's heads, they released a new single on Christmas day. With vocals from fellow Chicagoan Simone Bisous, who recently made an appearance on Taylor Bennett's Broad Shoulders, as well as cello/additional production from Jac Stovler (who also did the artwork), this song is properly pitched as “A Billion Young & Friends”. The track is a dancey number about puppy love and striptease lust. 

This track came alongside an announcement from the two members of ABY, who will be linking up with a handful of their homies for a collaborative EP (ABY & Friends) dropping at the beginning of 2016. The news came as music to my ears. While we wait for more heat, rip off your clothes and dance for your lover to this one. Show 'em what you got.  

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