These Days

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Nate Fox • Granny Panties Mix

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It's the last day of 2015 and as day becomes night, Nate Fox decided to give us a throwback mix to soundtrack the end of the year. 

PItching himself as Electro Baüs and titling it "A Narodovich Mix" (who assisted with the drop and who did the artwork), Granny Panties is 23 minutes of songs you belted out a decade ago. Songs you know by heart that you love even more once the liquor enters your bloodstream. From Missy Elliott to Santana to Lauryn Hill to "This is How We Do it", the whole mix will have you dancing through yesteryear.

Shouts to Social Experiment member Nate Fox, who had one hell of a year assisting with projects like Surf and D.R.A.M.'s Gahdamn! EP. Going into 2016, it'd be really great to see a proper project from Fox, one of the more talented Chicago producers.

Happy New Year to all. Rock with Granny Panties.