These Days

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Femdot • "Immortal"

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Directed by Reinvented Pictures

Not long ago I had a conversation with up and coming emcee Femdot about the cyclical way Chicago's music scene experiences bursts of success followed by quiet lulls as the next wave of talented artists build momentum. During our conversation, I couldn't help be think that Femdot himself was part of the next wave of Chicago rappers to start building momentum. Following the release of King Dilla at the tail end of 2014, Femdot went from another aspiring rapper to a notable prospect in my mind, and since then he hasn't proven me wrong. 

Musically Femdot's been quiet this year, but that's already beginning to change along with the seasons. Last month Femi dropped a visual for "Kinglish" which was originally featured on the aforementioned King Dilla EP, and this month he's got another visual to follow up featuring a song called "Immortal" which was left off his last project but released later on. While Femdot continues to distract you with his past songs visualized, I assure you that new music is in the works and this young artist is determined to break onto your radar.