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Premiere • Roosevelt The Titan: "I Hate Being High"

Roosevelt The Titan is a name that conveys strength and confidence. Having known Roosevelt (often simplified to Rose) for several years now, the moniker makes perfect sense to me, but with only a couple handfuls of loose singles released since he entered the game, the rest of the world may not have had a chance to take that deep of a dive into the personality behind this up and coming artist. All of that changes today with the release of I Hate Being High, Roosevelt's first and long-awaited collection of music. Like many artists, the struggle to assemble that perfect project is a tough one, but Rose has found the perfect combination of songs that accurately convey his message. What's the message? The title seems simple and direct, but Roosevelt was able to break it down and make it more complex below. 

For those unfamiliar with young Roosevelt, I Hate Being High is the perfect introduction. The nine track narrative is almost completely unheard before today with the exception of the Noah Sims produced "Bugatti", and serves as a great example of Rose's versatility as an emcee. Learn more about I Hate Being High from Roosevelt himself and listen to the project below as it's sure to become a quick favorite for many.

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We've known each other for a couple years now and since then I've been waiting for this day. After consistently dropping hot singles, why did it take so long to get a project out?

You gotta stand behind something. I have enough material to make six tapes, but you gotta stand behind something. I needed to work on something, I needed to sit down and figure out what to do. Also, building a core fanbase is key, but no more waiting. Worrying about the wrong things stunted my growth. I am who I am, and the people will resonate with this.

What's the story behind the title I Hate Being High

"I hate being high" is a statement I said to myself one night after smoking a shit ton of the dopest dope. On the surface, yes, sometimes I hate being high, I've noticed that during the state of being high I see things in a different perspective, and not in a totally positive light as one would think, so the EP has a lot to do with perception and perspective. Different views from different areas in my mind. Now thinking deeper into that concept, I had this notion that no one likes being "high", not high as in "I do drugs high", but high as in completely in one's element, completely high in your self and completely happy. We pursue it everyday, but from what I observed, sustaining it is minimal and often times it's our own doing, no matter what situation you in. Your high should be infinite. You will get put in lower vibrations, but it's up to you what you do with it. With this EP, you see me place myself in a situation of me being a less high Rose and basking in it. On other tracks, I come out of that realm and say, "Hold up, I'm better", but that struggle is throughout the whole EP. Whether I'm talking about myself or my squad or my people in general, we have to elevate. We have to stay high.

Eight of the nine songs on I Hate Being High have never been heard before. Do you have a reason for keeping it this close to your chest? 

I needed to create. The social media, blog gathering, single dropping, clout snatching side of me has diminished. At this point, I know where I am going to be. Real recognized real. I needed my time, not to finesse, but to create, and the EP has a fluidity to it like no other. To me, it fluctuates gracefully, and I wouldn't read a book if I [already] read most of the chapters. I believe this EP is a journey of my growth and I want that to be spread across as many people as possible. Whoever it touches, I am thankful.

What inspires you?

Inspiration comes from anything. When I see light being birthed from darkness, that inspires me. When I see reactions and stories about what my music has done for someone at such an early stage in my career, and with all this music being made and put out by the people I know, how the fuck can I just sit back and not be inspired? All of my "brothers" create. Every person I know has a staple in my music and it's critical because I can see them when they hear my shit and they know what I've been through and why this song is alive right now. They know what's going on and these moments are precious because "they" fucked up when they allowed us to communicate through music vibrations and record our voice. We are now infinite.

What can we expect from Roosevelt The Titan in 2016?

Content, content, content. Unapologetically killing shows and dropping heat. I also manage a non-profit called "Art Devour" which is a community creation and love juggernaut, and I will be working heavily with that and the arts. Expect big shows, more grind, and unlimited music. 

If there was one thing listeners should know about you before listening to this EP, what would that be? 

I want everyone to know I am my voice. I am also your voice. The people's champ. This journey that we about to take is epic and I need everyone along the way and vice versa.

We are connected because I need the people and the people need me. Without each other, we couldn't exist. The artist needs the people. So before you listen, thank you.

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