These Days

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Ju • "Stains"

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As cold weather in Chicago slowly approaches so too does the season of Ju. After spending the first half of the year rather quietly, he kickstarted August with the single "I'M NOT OKAY" and a feature on the collaborative single "Sleeping". Following that, he entered September with a music video for "I'M NOT OKAY" as well as a feature video for Melo Makes Music's "Murphy's Law". After being featured on bleeklino's most recent EP the other week, Ju returned to the solo platform yet again to release the single "Stains". Featuring a very noticeable and signature Blink 182 loop, producer Mysticphonk provides a platform for Ju to relive his childhood. In this case, nostalgic stains with friends. "Used to rob, used to steal, used to stain on Michigan." Blending mumbling angst with punk and hip-hop, the song is bafflingly tagged as #triphop, meaning that genres don't matter in the world of Wasted Ju. 

Photo credit: Evan Brown

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