These Days

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Sicko Mobb • "Moon People" (Remix)

Sicko Mobb drops by for a quick remix of Desiigner’s “Moon People”. It’s an interesting time for the Mobb, and fans listening can tell that the two brothers are making an effort to take the next step as artists, adapting and evolving their sound as the music world evolves around them. This process is inevitable, and for lesser rappers, painful, but you won’t find many artists as up for the task as Sicko Mobb, who continue to kill it (doubters, step back). This is a group founded on creativity; Sicko Mobb has always thrived off being different and hitting back at convention. “Own Lane”, all the way. Progress waits for nobody, which is why “Moon People” is an interesting and inspiring track. As a longtime fan of Sicko Mobb, it’s dope hearing them vibe to different sounds and still have sound and chemistry as natural as they did over some 2014 bop.  

The beat is surprisingly perfect for the West-side duo, light on the manic percussion that they’ll usually hear from them, but heavy on the atmosphere, a little out-there just like Sicko Mobb is. "Moon People" is very minimal, something Sicko Mobb has never been afraid of tackling. With fire verses and hooks, Sicko Mobb's "Moon People" Remix demonstrates that we should be as bullish on the Mobb as ever. 

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