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Micho • WHOLE24s

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I know very little about Englewood artist Micho aka GG4LMICHO, but he just released the nine song project known as WHOLE24s and it deserves some love over at TheseDays. At 23 minutes in length, it's pitched as an EP, but feels like a fully conceptualized album. The songs contained within this release are dark, atmospheric, and hazy as hell. A particular standout on this project is "Mystikal", which is full of autobiographical wordplay and a church-like instrumental. I'm not sure if Micho produced the whole EP or not, but whoever did (they're uncredited), props to them.

The project was released this past weekend and has only received a minimal amount of plays. Hopefully this article helps boost the content for Mr. Micho a bit more, as he deserves more shine, and will only be picking up more speed now that this EP is out and more are on the way. If you need something else from this project, be sure to check out the Vincent Romero directed music video for "Vices" here.

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