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Trapo • Shade Trees

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Fans of These Days know Trapo has carved a special place in our hearts this past year. Our November cover artist, and our only cover artist that doesn't call Chicago home, was just a small blip on the radar this time last year, but since he's used two projects to jettison himself into the position of being one of the brightest up and coming stars in the midwest. First is was The Black Beverly Hills EP last November, followed by the 10 track SHE in March of this year and a series of loose singles and straight to the internet freestyles that had our ears perking up throughout 2016. 

At just 19, Trapo has plenty to learn and experience still as an artist and a person, but he's years ahead of his time in the way he's been able to find the rights words, cadences and melodies to share those stories with his growing fan base. Trapo recently performed a short set including some previously unheard Shade Trees cuts in a unique loft space above businesses on Milwaukee Ave. in Wicker Park as guest of Sofar Sounds Chicago. If you're not familiar with Sofar, they don't announce their guests at all. Guests RSVP, head over to and address they get emailed a day before the event, and are surprised with a thoughtfully curated lineup. It's here where Trapo tested out some new songs from Shade Trees in front of a crowd who for the most part unfamiliar with the Madison native just moments prior to grabbing the microphone. 

A notion you're sure to echo after listening to Trapo's full length debut, Sofar's crowd loved what they heard, and now everyone has the opportunity to listen to the project in it's entirety. Enjoy the peaceful, calm and cool Shade Trees, read up on him in detail in our current cover story, and catch him performing Shade Trees live at Reggies this December 8th.

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