These Days

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Stefan Ponce • "I Love Kanye"

By now, you should be adequately dug into Kanye's recent 'TLOP' release. In it, you'll likely come across a single "I Love Kanye", a short interlude/song of sorts that essentially sees the God MC reciting a series of gripes against him before twisting the whole thing in a way only he can. Playing off that and the fact that some locals happened to make a few appearances on the recent release, the city's own Stefan Ponce offered up a strikingly soulful rendition of the verse/rant that seem at once appropriate and nostalgic. 

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I Love Kanye (Remix) Stefan Ponce

Premiering on FADER a little while ago, this one will certainly take you back to that 'chop up the soul' Kanye. If 'TLOP' is any indication, maybe we'll be seeing more of that side of things soon. For now though, enjoy this short rework from one of the 'Go's most talented producers who last worked with 'Ye on "U Mad". 

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