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Rich Jones • Pink Slips

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Last month, I included Rich Jones as one of my Chicago Artists to Watch in 2016 picks. Earning him the slot was a batch of destined-to-blow pop songs created alongside Vegas-based EDM producer Ryan Lofty (see here). However before shifting his focus towards the mainstream, Mr. Jones had one more close to the heart EP left to deliver. Crowned Pink Slips, the project was inspired by a bittersweet instance years back in which his former employer fired him but also encouraged him to use the opportunity to pursue music full time. 

As its predecessor Pigeons & Waffles, the EP exudes a local vibe. Assisting in that effect is a supporting cast of city staples including The O'My's, Taylor Bennett, Netherfriends & ICEFACE. While varying sonic direction from song to song, the project maintains a jazzy drift throughout. The EP's closing track "Chicagoland" just might be its strongest, and, when given the context, seems to play a backpacker's swan song. 

Join us tonight as we welcome Pink Slips into the world with its free release show at Schuba’s. Rich Jones will be accompanied by Odd Couple, Qari, The O’My’s [DJ Set], and many more. For more details, click here.

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