These Days

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J. Arthur - JE$$E

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One word that regularly comes to mind when I think of Chicago hip-hop duo theWHOevers is consistency. Since being introduced to J. Arthur and DotKom a few years ago, the two purveyors of the finer points of rap music have gone about producing and releasing a solid string of singles, videos and projects that have continued to raise eyebrows at every turn. Today that run continued on as one half of the duo, J. Arthur, dropped off a 22-track beat tape that originally got a teasing on our very own TheseDays Radio, with a couple of the beats being used in freestyles for our earlier episodes.

If you happen to follow J on the social medias you may have noticed that dude has been moving around the world quite a bit, having spent the last month or so in Asia. The pictures and messages he posted during that time away seemed to speak of a sort of self-discovery that is evident throughout his work as well. It takes a lot to get to a point where you are consciously working in line with your own influences and here it appears as though J really finds himself while unloading some backing beats that have been left over from recent whoevers projects like Marathon. Seriously though, dude is very cold on the boards when not handling things on the mic as well, you'd be well served to get into this one.

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