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Highness • "Roadrunner"

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If you don't know about the Highness collective by now, get familiar or risk being that person playing catch up on Soundcloud in a few months while everyone else is talking. The all-female collection of talent has been plying their trade around the city since attending Columbia College and have emerged as one of the most eclectic, exciting young acts on either side of the gender line in the city and sit at the forefront of a lady-driven music movement that we've been keeping track of regularly here on TheseDays. 

The girls doubled down on the split singles of "Radio Play" and "Here's To" that individually put Gem Tree and Loona Dae, resident lyricists front and center. Here, we get them back within the group dynamic on their latest offering, "Roadrunner" that arrived Monday morning. This one finds the collective right where they are most comfortable, an instrumentally-driven backing beat accentuated by the clever and always welcome bars of Gem and Loona who have emerged as two of my favorite up and coming MCs in the city today. If you haven't caught Gem's inspired dance moves from her "Here's To" video definitely get into that below.

Avid performers, recordings really don't do justice to the kind of innate energy these girls bring every time they take the stage and I would definitely urge you to get out and see it if you haven't already. Alright, that's enough. Moral of the post? Get more Highness in ya life!

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