These Days

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Glocque • "Heart Sling"

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It's always fascinating (to me, at least) to find out about a Chicago artist by reading praise from someone outside of the city. Such was the case for producers like Walkingshoe and ICYTWAT, and such is the case for the man of the hour: Glocque.

The producer turned heads last October (and arrived on my radar) with his album Gloveless Brain Transplant, a project that is available on Bandcamp with split tracks but available on SoundCloud as one long, 43 minute upload. One complete listen, worthy of full digestion. Shout-out to David Lynch. Perhaps an interesting side-note: the price of his album on Bandcamp has gone from $5 to free to $500, which it currently remains. 

Following up after GBT (along with a piece of a Pigeons & Planes compilation) is the new single "Heart Sling". It's experimental, a post-apocalyptic love song, lost in an industrial wasteland, yet bouncing enough to get you to jump out your window and start your day. What more do you need?

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