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Tink • "Home"

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Tink is on a tear! The Calumet City siren just dropped her killer "Circle The Block" track last week, and now she's arrived at "Home", another song from her and for the fans. Like "CTB", "Home" throws back to Tink's original sound that drew so many devotees her way in the first place. That's not to say it sounds like 2012-era drill, but rather that her innate personality is finally shining through her music again. Tink is now as much a national figure as local, and as she continues adapting to her new-found fame she'll get better and better at maintaining her voice as an artist. These last two tracks are excellent reasons for optimism.

"Home" is produced by Dr3amForever, and the synth-y baselines vibrating underneath Tink's distinguished singing are a perfect complement to the track's "me + you" atmosphere, crashing 80's romance into a Chicago street scene. Tink is exercising some her Winter's Diary chops here, effortlessly transitioning between bars and melody. She's always excelled at this, but "Home" gives us the best example of her skills in this area in recent memory. Check it out now, and if you haven't, you can listen to last summer's Winter's Diary 3 here!

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