These Days

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As far as this thing we refer to as the 'Chicago Renaissance' is concerned, one of the biggest and most surprising stars to emerge from the city's coffers has easily been DLOW who today unveiled his debut project, I AM DLOW. The 20-year-old viral internet star came to prominence via YouTube videos of himself bopping, the dance craze that subsequently took over the west side of the city and the region at large. It's been a couple years since 'The DLOW Shuffle' and in the time since he's performed on stages with Chance The Rapper at Lollapalooza, across the country as part of a tour with Silento and, today, a foray into music more appropriately.

The project is an evolution that somewhat solidifies DLOW's standing as the self-described 'Bop King', having taken things to heights and directions that fellow early adopters like Lil' Kemo have so far been unable to. Released on iTunes and Spotify and packaged with the aformentioned tour, it's obvious that dude isn't planning on leaving a dime on the table with this recent rise. "Do It Like Me" get a rehashing here and the whole thing plays out like the perfect soundtrack to any school-related dance and new-age House Party movies. Regardless of all that though it's really dope to see another young act from the city find a way to accurately market themselves. Big ups to DLOW!

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