These Days

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Monakr • "Don't Turn Around"

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Monakr's "Don't Turn Around" remix hits all the right places for a morning jam, and you know it'll be getting some quality late night play in Chicago this weekend as well. Reworking the 90's Swedish supergroup Ace Of Base's international hit "Don't Turn Around", their translation of the original works surprisingly well. It’s fitting, since Monakr is a bit of a super group as well, albeit with far more local Chicago flavor. All band members have been involved with local music for years, coming from groups such as Hey Champ, Gemini Club, and more.

Coming from pop / rock backgrounds, Monakr offers a more experimental look into these musical minds. “Don’t Turn Around” is the perfect taste of their eclecticism, a vibrating and fervent track that grabs elements of electronic, dance, and soul, creating a song with a little bit for everyone. If you like what you hear, you can see Monakr perform at the Empty Bottle on Western tonight! Tickets here, and an article on why Sweden has been so successful at pop music here....for those wondering.

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