These Days

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Chris Crack • Love Is Still Awesome

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Where is the love? Hearts and music will boost up the temperature in any room, regardless of a lingering winter that can't make up it's mind. Chris Crack has something to say about it on “Love Is Still Awesome”, an ode to the times when we can drop the façade, lose the tough talk and speak from the soul. For a rapper who’s cut his teeth on one-liners and “I’m the shit” flows,  this is a real change of pace, a sad but beautiful look inside Chris Crack's funhouse-mirror mind.

The basis of this track is fear and loss, and Chris Crack recognizes that these are not the most accessible topics. Knowingly, he uses his uncanny ability to lounge on a track while still rocking his study drug flow. How can such addled rhymes simultaneously be so relaxed? It's two skills that should be mutually exclusive, but Chris Crack's music is a strange and admirable beast. With the help of a laid-back beat that's almost fully reclined, “Love Is Still Awesome” gently brings you into the song before letting you know what it really is. There's a lot on Chris Crack's plate here, but I'm just thankful that he's sharing a piece with us.

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