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Piece of Cake • "Rusted"

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The best part of the Chicago music scene? You can easily get lost in its different avenues and allies and today we have a new single from a particular lane as Piece of Cake drops off their latest single, "Rusted" which dropped Thursday. The tracks predates an upcoming, self-titled debut project from the group due out in May and is a welcome entrance to a multi-faceted six-piece group that employs an interesting assortment of instrumentals alongside the endearing vocals of Brynn Bixby.

Bixby and I used to write together at RubyHornet back when that site actually wrote about music and it's great to see her spreading her wings with a group that bears one of my favorite names anywhere in the city. "Rusted" is a really nice entrance into the work this act has been putting in for some time and it's awesome to see them begin offering the tunes up to the world. It'll be a minute until the full project, but get to know Piece of Cake above!

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