These Days

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Morimoto • "Keanu Reeves"

Directed by Rachel Bell

Is Morimoto, in fact, Keanu Reeves? Possibly. 

After releasing his debut full-length, For Me & Ladie, last November, singer/producer/saxophonist Morimoto has been gaining more and more buzz. We've heard him alongside producer Mojek, and, perhaps most notably, we've heard his instrumentation throughout Qari's recent scattering of loose singles. This makes sense given that the two talents are living together and creating every single day.

Rather than simply provide backdrops for Qari's unique bars, Morimoto has continued to deliver his own smooth and soulful (see also: experimental) flavors, most recently in the form of "Keanu Reeves", a music video draped in both technicolor and smiles. See him answer the phone on the balcony, stand on top of a car, and place his saxophone on a pink shag carpet, all done before taking a relaxing bubble bath. 

Alongside the entertaining and lofi music video, Morimoto also released the audio component. While I'm not sure why the video is named "Keanu Reeves" and the song is named "UYU", since they are the same, I won't argue with Mr. Morimoto. He seems to be doing it right. 

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