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Angel Katz & Angelenah • "Bitch Boo Boo"

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Chicago has been experiencing an advent of local female hip-hop acts that have found their way to the surface with increasing frequency. Today, that trend begins as we get a new one from two acts that have been plying their trade on the ground floor of the city's illustrious scene for some time as Angel Katz and Angelenah (formerly Angel Davanport) team up for "Bitch Boo Boo", complete with production from Netherfriends.

While I've already mentioned Netherfriends' attic sabbatical in my former home (and Westley's current home), this track in particular takes me back to that time. The two Angels were regulars amongst the floral sheet-doused rafters of the dimly-lit top-floor space and any time I took a voyage up the stairs, these two would be doing their thing. I also have a sneaking suspicion that the accompanying cats in the artwork were inspired by The Great Catsby and Daisy, our house cats at the time; Angel Katz actually has one of them now. Nonetheless, "Bitch Boo Boo" is a fun track, but also one that puts two of the city's finer MCs on center stage, albeit from a diagonal angle. Angelenah continues to prove why she's one of the more exciting rappers on either side of the gender line with creative flows throughout. Check it yourself above.

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