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Appleby • "Castles" (Prod. Elias Abid)

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Good things happen when folks in Chicago get together. It's been a catalyst to the scene's development over the last few years and continues to be a driving force behind the sort of forward-facing, progressive music we've come to expect locally. That continues as a collaboration I've personally been waiting on for a minute sees the light of day as Appleby and Elias Abid team up for the single "Castles".

The single is the first from the pairing as they begin to build excitement around their upcoming project together, Down Dance, which is due out a little later in 2016. Having had a chance to get into the studio with these guys over at Classick about a month ago, I can certainly attest to the hotness that this one possesses all around and listeners get a nice entrance to the world Abid and App are creating. Abid's production seems to somehow push Appleby into new spaces and here we get a sort of Cudi-esque feel as the faceless artist continue to prove he can touch on a variety of sounds and instances that make him one of the more endearing acts on the rise today. "This is the brand and genre of music we are creating. Elias is beyond just my collaborator, he's my long term creator in crime," said Appleby. Easily two of our favorites here at TheseDays, we expect plenty more in the near future from both.

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