These Days

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Dally Auston • "All Dogs"

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"All Dogs" has been unleashed. Dally Auston's kept busy lately, dropping his second track in a month’s time for a red-petaled rollout to his widely anticipated and long awaited Roses project. The SaveMoney artist has a unique voice that stands out among Chicago rappers, and if “All Dogs” and February’s "These Days" are any indication, Roses will be a subtle and subdued affair. When it comes to rhymes, Dally Auston seems partial to the strategy of speaking softly and carrying a big vocab.

"All Dogs" is a track of drifting sax and smokey rooms. There’s definitely something old-school about this, but don’t mistake Dally Auston for anything but a member of Chicago’s creative new-school.  To me, “All Dogs” is a track about the passage of time, and how it molds the people we become.  True or not, the joy of Dally Auston's music is that he doesn't spell out it for you. "All Dogs" is a heady track, not coming together all at once but requiring multiple listens that marinate in Dally Auston’s message and story. Start the process now and look forward to Roses. April showers bring May flowers?

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