These Days

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Mathien • "I Am Offended"

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I usually cringe whenever an artist not named Kanye announces they are releasing singles on a weekly or any sort of set time period. It's a declaration that unnecessarily creates expectation. When I heard Chris Mathien was doing it though, I couldn't have been happier. What started as an ode to the former Chicagoan in a post for his recent single "Whim" appears poised to turn into a weekly rambling of how much I enjoy dudes music. With all that said, this new one, "I Am Offended" is ridiculous, but you should have known that already.

You should have known that because the entire related posts below these words are packed with gems. You should know that because Mathien's been doing this for a minute. You should know that because dude makes timeless classics the way most folks try to make a sandwich. But, alas, Mathien does things his own way and so you may only be aware if you're turned onto it. That's what we're doing here, letting you  know. Here we get a sort of G-Funk feel that shimmies out to something wholly new, an aspect to get used to with anything from this guy. I ran out of words, just go ahead and listen.

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