These Days

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Kahrion • "Nimbus"

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If there's any single act that has rocked with TheseDays since the start, it's definitely been Kahrion. The young artist has been quietly plying his trade as we've grown as well over the last half year or so, operating out of a cross-section of Chicago and NYC while attending college out east. Dude has been a regular here and returned yesterday with this new one, "Nimbus" produced by Von Vuai.

Here we continue to see growth with Kahrion handling himself impressively throughout. Consider it a sort of warning call from the east letting folks know the summer is coming and dude is headed back to town. It's been a minute since we've gotten a new single from this side of things and this one serves as a sort of segues to plenty of work we've been hearing about. A multifunctional track that dips and dives through several central thought processes, touching on operating through several scenes and the tricky relationships and lack of sleep that come as a direct accompaniment,  "please give me your energy or lend it to me for a minute please I'm exhausted." Check out the track streaming above and keep an eye out for more coming soon!

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