These Days

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Lil Kemo • "Kemo Step 3"

Back in 2012/2013 when things around town were still just in their initial sizzle, a new sound and accompanying dance style began to emerge appropriately from the city's west side. The style was bop, a fun step sequence that took the city by storm and made it's originators well-known from Austin to the lakefront. While DLow has emerged as a nation-wide force with his "DLOW Shuffle" which has become a viral hit, the other half of the early Bop Kingz duo released his latest intonation on the vaunted "Kemo Step" just today. 

To be honest, I've been looking around for Kemo over the course of the last few weeks. While the rise of DLOW is impressive, it was Kemo and his blurred footwork that initially felt like the true feel of the dance and no one can forget the pair's legendary appearance on the Steve Harvey Show.

While he's yet to find the kind of widespread acceptance of his bopping contemporary, there is no denying dude's claim to the throne and it's encouraging to see him continuing to push forward and carve his own lane in the increasingly lucrative dance-move to social media game. Check out the video for yourself and see if you can master the "Kemo Walk 3" and Kemo if you're reading this, get in touch!!

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