These Days

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WebsterX • "Everything"

Directed by Cody LaPlant & Damien Blue

I knew it... WebsterX is not from this planet.

In his latest video, Milwaukee artist WebsterX plays the role of a Martian on a quest to return a mask to its rightful owner on Earth. Bringing the Sci-Fi infused world to life is none other than directors Cody LePlant and Damien Blue, the two who have been responsible for all Web's exceptional videos to date. The songs initial release came last year via Webster's collaborative project with Q The Sun, KidX. A three song EP that was equal parts musical experimentation and a homage to Radiohead's classic album Kid A. As good as his digital offerings are, we have to urge you WebsterX's live show on May 26th at Schubas. When we caught him at Chop Shop earlier this year, his set had everyone in attendance blown away. In the meantime, for more from Web's New Age Narcissism crew, check out Lorde Fredd33's Dead Man's View which released last week.


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