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Appleby & Elias Abid • Down Dance EP

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...And it's finally here. We've been collectively waiting for this one for a minute and the arrival of Appleby and Elias Abid's initial offering, Down Dance EP, came with an appropriate amount of foreshadowing. The tweet announcing it's release to the world arrived with the message, "It's only the beginning", a statement that couldn't be more true. 

To be sure, the pairing of App and Elias is an odd one at first glance. While the former rarely shows his face in the press and public, somewhat new to creating music at about four years in, the latter is still too young to buy a beer without his musical accompaniment yet has been serving up top-flight production since his early teenage years. Yes, the duo is a bit odd at first but then again the saying goes that opposites attract. These two have come together like opposite sides of a magnet since linking up midway through 2015 and locking themselves away in the Blue Room of Classick Studios. There, they tinkered and toyed and eventually found a sound that pulls from a myriad of influences while also perfectly embodying the innate artistic senses of both. Having had the chance to catch much of this work ahead of it's release at a private studio session with both of the guys, I can distinctly remember Appleby's toothy grin telling me excitedly that Elias might be the last person he makes music with. Elias sat by and smiled shyly. It's that subtle back and forth, one's exuberance met with the other's understanding that have creating singles like "Castles" a regular on the repeat button for me that is currently hanging out around Drake and Kaytranada at the top of Spotify's Viral Charts.

I've literally heard nothing from this collaboration that hasn't become one of my favorites and truly believe in the idea that there's plenty more to expect from these two as we move along. For now though, get to know an act you'll surely be hearing from much more in their first collection, Down Dance EP

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