These Days

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Qari & Logan Cage • "Disposition"

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If there were ever two names that have been buzzing around the TheseDays team since the very beginning of this, they would most certainly be Logan and Qari who today teamed up for a really dope, down-tempo single in "Disposition".

This one arrives on the heels of a steady stream of releases from both acts and comes as each is toeing the future for what's to come. In the last couple of years they have both individually followed their respective journeys to continually larger crowds and audiences. The sentiment of the kind of headspace it takes to get there is underlined at the top of the track as Qari smoothly states, "I don't play safe, I play for keeps." Since foraying onto a more singular forward pace the rhymes have come a bit deeper and presented above the backing production with more focus on the words and understandings they hold. For his part, Logan continues to prove that he can settle into several different intonations that we started to see a lot more of on his March #Cages release, continuing to ruminate on certain diagonals while keeping with the sort of heavy-handed wordplay that built his ever-dedicated following. 

There's a true artistry in the music here in Chicago and here we see two of the city's more exciting lyricists go back and forth, taking bits and pieces from one another while waxing poetic on each individual's "Disposition". Get into it for yourself above.

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