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Renz Young • "Seen It Coming" + Q&A

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Newly on our radar, Milwaukee rapper Renz Young is a name we began to hear a little about towards the beginning of this year. However, it was the release of his track "Pastures" earlier this month that really got our staff to start talking. After listening back to 2975 EP, it was clear Young was one I needed to keep an eye out for. Yesterday Renz returned with "Seen It Coming", another self-produced anthem furthering my interest in MKE emcee. Noticing Young was repped by the same management as the homie IshDARR, we reached out accordingly to get to know the rising talent a bit better. Check out our Q&A with him below, and give "Seen It Coming" some spins up top.

These Days: You've really grabbed our attention through your last few releases, but we haven't had the chance to get properly introduced - can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Renz Young: Well man, I'm really just a guy from Milwaukee who loves music. And not just the rapping, performing, and flashy side of it. I'm all about learning the craft and embracing the technical side of it as well. I've been rapping since freshman year of high school but i always tell people I've been writing raps down on paper since 3rd grade. I always try to make music that provokes some type of emotion. Records that make the listeners feel something always last the longest.  

TD: Milwaukee is really developing an impressive hip-hop scene.. We spent some time up there last year to get to know a few of the guys, but new talent seems to be popping up all the time. How you feeling about being an artist from Milwaukee these days & is there anyone else we should be checking out?

RY: Being an artist from Milwaukee right now is great. The best thing about it is that Milwaukee doesn't have any predetermined sound. Fans don't know what they are gonna get when they press play. There aren't any labels on any of the music. Its just good music all around. 

TD: We've went back and checked out the 2975 EP from last year, but do you got a new project in the works we can look forward to?

RY: Yea man, I'm currently trying to decide between another EP or go with a full length project. Either way, you should expect to hear a lot more new music from me. 

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