These Days

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Smino • "Menu"

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Arriving just days after Smino and Monte celebrated breaking the million play mark on their smash "Kolors", they strike again with "Menu". Hope you didn't come hungry though, Smino isn't here for brunch, he's just thinking of clever ways to talk about bae. "Menu" is sure to be another highlight in Smino's already strong catalog. Right alongside him on nearly, if not every, track Smino has released is Monte Booker. The producer was fairly unknown less than a year ago, but people are catching on quickly to this non-stop dance party Monte calls production.

Monte Booker remains at the helm for "Menu", but there is some additional production from THEMpeople which we're not mad about at all. The song has been out only a few hours and has already accumulated thousands of plays and have #Menu trending on Twitter following its release. Aspiring music professionals ought to take note of what Smino and his team are up to right now, because whatever it is they're doing, they're doing it right.

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