These Days

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ShowYouSuck • "STOOP KID"

Directed/Animated by Maxim Northover

ShowYouSuck and Maxim Northover are back at it again with "STOOP KID", a new single from Show's highly anticipated Bummer project. The duo first joined forces to create the video for "Make-Out King", where Show's skeletal alter ego made his first debut. Since the formula worked so well the first time around, why not tell another story using Maxim's supreme stop motion talents. 

Making references to Hey Arnold, because that's the type of thing Show gathers his inspiration from, Show and our skeleton friend seem to battle a case of the anti-socials. Sitting on his couch dreaming of kicking ass and winning over the girl seems to have motivated the protagonist to get up, get out, and get something by the end of the clip though. With Bummer (fully produced by Walkingshoe) around the corner and ending this video with a cliff hanger of sorts leads me to believe that we might be seeing more from Show and Maxim in the future. Either way, "STOOP KID" is a winner, don't miss it!

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