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Kweku Collins • Nat Love

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After an impressive rollout, Kweku Collins new album Nat Love is here. Collins, the subject of our April cover story, has had quite the year since signing to Closed Sessions. Seeing tremendous growth both musically and personally, Nat Love is the musical culmination of that. Over the project's 11 songs, Kweku is front and center. While that should go without saying, we've all seen artists litter their albums others people's influence - whether that be in the form of features, production or trends. Nat Love is uniquely individual. One of those projects that really allows fans to connect with the artist, and that's something we don't see enough of these days. Outside of some contributions from labelmates BoatHouse, oddCouple and Jamila Woods, the only feature include on the project comes from Taylor Bennett who delivers a fantastic performance on "Vanilla Sky". Stream Nat Love up above, and show Kweku some support by grabbing it on iTunes and/or picking up tickets for his headlining show next week at Reggies.

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