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Brian Fresco, KAMI, Sterling Haze & More Featured on 'PS-4080' Mixtape

NYC has always been seen as the birthplace of hip-hop. There's no denying that the genre got it's legs in the boroughs, but in the thirty-some-odd years since it has certainly hopped the borders of the the Big Apple and found it's way around the world. While it's been a minute since we've seen the city take centerstage as far as new talent is concerned, there will never be a questioning as to the city's prevalence. It's with that in mind that NY-collective PS-4080 pulled together talent from around the country into their debut compilation tape, In School Suspension.

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Appropriately, there is a nice helping of Chicago talent on the project, a must for any collection looking to accurately offer up a sense of the contemporary landscape we find ourselves in. There's a deeper reason as well. Assembled by PS-4080 co-founders Bryan Hahn and James Elliott, both former University of Chicago students, the confluence of sounds is a sensical journey from Hyde Park to BK and the pair do well tapping a somewhat diverse range of local talent. SaveMoney makes a decided appearance with KAMI and Sterling Haze teaming up for "Nothing of It" while Brian Fresco makes a welcome appearance boasting an adjusted new vibe with "Part 2". Also making appearances on the project is up and comer T. Gaines ("Come Home") and longtime stalwart Sulaiman ("Human Resources"). 

Prior to the tape's release I actually had the chance to link up with Hahn and Elliott at a little bar in Williamsburg for a couple beers and hear the full vision for the project. It's refreshing as a proponent for the scene here to see that the music happening locally is finding ears across the country and continuing to pace the country in terms of rap music. Compilations aren't easy to pull together and these guys were able to do so with assorted visuals to boot. Check out the full offering of Chicago talent available here and the project as a whole streaming below and available for purchase on iTunes.

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