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Premiere • Piece of Cake: "Crazy"

Directed by Jessica Price

A few months back we debuted a single from a bright new group from the city that had been simmering for some time. That song was "Rusted" and that group is Piece of Cake and today they return with a fresh new visual for their latest single, "Crazy" which TheseDays is proud to premiere.

For Piece of Cake, the road to this video and their upcoming show this weekend at Tonic Room for the release of their self-titled album. Going through several evolutions that saw front-woman Brynn Bixby and co go through several intonations before finding the current makeup that locked themselves away this past fall to record the debut project that hits the streets alongside the show Friday. The indie side of the city is a tight-knit one and one that Bixby knows well from her days writing for RubyHornet back in the day. Once again, couldn't be happier for this outfit to near album release day, get a taste of this Cake with the official premiere of the video above and get more on the band, the visual, the show and all the rest with our quick Q+A with Bixby herself.

TheseDays • What is the direction of Piece of Cake?

Brynn • Piece of Cake has been playing together as a full band for about a year now. We put this record out with a more poppy/fun vibe and incorporated horns as a focus on these tunes which has been incredible. I have never played with horns in the mix before this and I love the added instrumentation. Mark and I are planning to get back in the studio this fall and work on something that's a little more stripped down, possibly with strings, for the next release. I am hoping to hop on some music festivals this summer and maybe do a small tour out of state. I think people will really enjoy this album so I'd like to play it live for as many people as possible.

TheseDays • What is your favorite kind of cake?

Brynn • This is a hard one because I love all cake but I would have to either say carrot cake or ice cream cake. My mom has gotten me ice cream cakes for my birthday for like the past 15 years, that cookie layer in the middle is everything. Also, my good friend Alex Buda creates cakes for our shows and they are always delicious, he makes a mean peanut butter and jelly cake. 

TheseDays • How does this serve to tease the full-length?

Brynn • I really wanted to put out a video for "Crazy" and have something visual to represent the album. Jessica Price shot our first video, which was for a solo version of "Somebody," and it turned out great. Thankfully she agreed to collaborate on another video and we had just as much fun making this one. The little boy featured on drums is my best friend's son, Peyton. The song is about his mom and I knew he would be a natural on camera so it was an obvious choice. People seem to really dig on this track so I thought it would be a perfect preview for the album and hopefully push people to listen to the rest of the record.

TheseDays • This project is a long time coming, how excited is the team to get it to the public?

Brynn • We are all super pumped to get the album out and see how it is received. We recorded the whole thing in about 20 hours back in November so it was a very intense but awesome recording process. Miraculously it wasn't a stressful process because we are all good friends and everyone involved was totally prepared and professional. I have had some of these tunes in my pocket for a couple of years so to see them come to life with the band has been huge for me. 


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