These Days

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Lucki • "Dirty Demons"

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Lucki’s rise has been more of a descent, a downward spiral of firey bars that cut straight to the philosophy of that little devil on your shoulder. Like the best Lucki songs, “Dirty Demons” has an inevitable momentum that Lucki provides like actions provide consequences. And as usual, even at his most devilish, Lucki's music always maintains a sense of fun and humor, whether or not the laughter is in the shadows. 

Obvious statement incoming: lot's of music out of Chicago has a vibe that'll bring you to church. Lucki does something unique and offers his own bizarro-take on this, with twisted organs and horns accompanying a bouncing bass line. Perhaps imagine going to Sunday School and watching The Excorcist. It's effective, and because of this Lucki's got his sound and fan-base locked down. Said fans are sure to be happy, as this is a look at his upcoming Freewave 2 project.  At this point in 2016, Lucki's looking blessed, regardless of which direction that blessing is coming from.

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