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Top Notch • "Phony Phony"

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It's no secret at this point that Chicago's music scene has benefitted tremendously from the open intersection of collaboration that has fostered a bevy of new sounds and acts and effectively pulled the mic away from Atlanta as a hotbed of exciting new music. That sentiment couldn't be stronger on this one from a collection of local acts including Je$$e of theWHOevers, Quotes of RETROSPECT and Brand Knew as the 'Top Notch' collective who earlier this week offered up "Phony Phony", the first single since assembling.

The single is a dope piece that effectively introduces concurrent fanbases to one another while offering a single with backing production from Je$$e that acts here as a sort of field of play from which the arrangement of Chicago acts do their own thing. There's no telling where this project will go, Chicago collabs like this have a range of ages and shelf-lives, the most recent being the female super-group W.W.A. which stuck around for all of one or two song releases before imploding. Here, we're dealing with distinctly more chill personalities so it seems the music would speak for itself. Enjoy above.

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