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Premiere: Cory Grindberg • "Djimbo"

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A few weeks ago I told a story in one of these posts about what to do when Robbie Mueller passes an act your way. At the time I was referring to the fact that the dude has rarely ever recommended someone less than amazing in reference to Anthony Pavel's eye-opening debut release, Windows and today I double down on that sentiment, with the premiere of Minnesota-native Cory Grindberg's latest offering, "Djimbo".

The single is an instrumental track that serves to get listeners in tune with Grindberg's distinct sound that has developed since arriving in Chicago a few years ago on a full scholarship to Northwestern University for Jazz Bass Performance. Dude took advantage of being in one of the country's hottest music scenes and quickly assembled CHAD, a production collective that connected with the likes of Lucki Eck$, Saba, Tink and Pavel, among others. After popping out recently with his debut single, "Clockman", Grindberg shows he can replicate that success with this one. We caught up with the rising talent to dive a little deeper into this one. Check out the track streaming above, the insight below and be sure to check back soon for much more.

TheseDays: How does this track indicate where you're at artistically?
Grindberg: Right now, I am really starting to realize the sound and aesthetic I am going for as a solo artist.  I had primarily been making rap beats with the goal of having rappers to rap on them until a few months ago when I decided to start making instrumental music. This has been immensely freeing and joyful.  Before I would limit my creativity and ideas so that they wouldn't get in the way of the rapper's raps, but now I just go ham and do whatever I want; it's super fun.
TheseDays: Where does this fit in terms of where you're going musically?
Grindberg: I don't think I really know where I'm going musically...LOL.  I guess my general goal is to make electronic music with the structure and intricacies of classical music.  I think djimbo is getting closer to that goal. Maybe it's there already? Who knows.  With every song I want to push the envelope and do something cooler than I did before.  If it doesn't thoroughly impress me, then it's not good enough.  Idk.  My music will probably just get more and more complicated until people don't want to listen to it anymore HA
TheseDays: What has it been like getting footing in Chicago?
Grindberg: It has been awesome.  There are some really dope people in Chicago.  My friend/production partner Dylan and I moved to Chicago about 2 years ago, and we were fortunate enough to meet our manager Robbie (@BTGManagement) very shortly after we arrived; he had heard a remix we did with our friend Ken Ross of an Eryn Allen Kane song "Hollow" and hit us up right away.  Through him, we met Saba and Pivot Gang, and from there, many a door of opportunity was opened. Chicago is a beautiful city.  
TheseDays: What can we expect from you moving forward?
Grindberg: More singles...I'm probably going to release a few more in the coming months.  Maybe some remixes.  After that I will probably be doing a full length project of some sort.  Maybe an EP.  ...Stay tuned!

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