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Netherfriends • 'Money'

There seems to be just about nothing that Netherfriends can't make an album about. In the past we've been graced by full projects about things like Fuckboys, PR, states of America, women in general, Seinfeld and the social tropes of living as a musician in Logan Square. This time around Mr. Rosenblatt touches on a topic that we all know well: greenbacks. The ever-traveling musician who regularly sets up shop here in Chicago for the summer months kicks off his stay with this 10-song project, appropriately titled Money.

Netherfriends 'Bart' Shirt For Sale

Not many names come to mind when trying to think of another artist that produces full projects with the sort of regularity Netherfriends does. By our count, this collection would mark no less than his fourth offering since turning the page to 2016. Thing is, dude is doing this all somehow without a computer, a topic he's also tackled musically in the form of a full project on the topic. You can't fault the Netherfriends for loving what he does and he's truly dedicated his life to it, gigging to keep his stomach full and his lungs green and hustling in between. It's all to get a little taste of the money, and maybe some recognition here and there as well. Never one to miss the opportunity to make a buck himself, the multi-talented twenty-something is once again offering up some one-of-a-kind merch alongside the release, this one in the form of a hand-drawn Bart Simpson t-shirt. You can check that out up above.

Dive into a new dose of Netherfriends available smack dab in the middle of this post.

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