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Durk & Dej • "True or False"

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A couple of months ago I wrote about the disappointing saga that has been Dej Loaf's career to that particular point. The point she had hit was the release of a new single alongside Chicago artist Lil Durk that spoke to the pair's alleged relationship that arrives thinly veiled throughout the frequent radio cut. If you read that piece, "Let Dej Loaf Live" you would have likely known exactly how I was going to approach the second single from the pairing that dropped over the weekend in "True Or False".

This one once again finds the pair ruminating over their "alleged" relationship. The thing about said fling is that it has been the equivalent to an industry plant since day one, a ruse to give us a reason to listen to Dej's played out Columbia experience. Outside of promotional shots and music videos I'm not sure the pair have been seen together much and all the evidence from talking heads around town are that it's match made in, well, an office at Columbia I guess. While this is no "My Beyonce" it continues to carry this poor narrative that underserves both the artist on the backend of the billing and the general come-uppance of the female MC in hip-hop today. But listen to it I suppose, it'll likely be plastered on radio, another tenant of the label-driven backing. I'm sincerely looking forward to the point at which the label decides they've used Dej enough and actually let her rap about stuff she is passionate about, the very thing that made "Try Me" such a hit. Until then, we're stuck with shit like this. Also, catch Durk in his latest video for "True"

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