These Days

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The Walters • "I Haven't Been True"

Directed by Alec Basse and Norris Guncheon

Back at the end of 2015, The Walters released their sophomore EP, Young Men. Keeping the energy alive with their seven song release, they have decided to let loose some visuals for the track "I Haven't Been True". Although the video takes place with snow on the ground, the music fits nicely inside of a July workday. Escape for a bit while a lonely old man befriends a delivery guy. Prank calls, pillow fights, and pizza, all the while The Walters dance on the television screen inside of an 80s fog of neon and humor. The world needs more feel-good music videos. The Walters did it with "Hunk Beach" last year and they've done it again with their newest, "I Haven't Been True."

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